Important Dates

Important Dates 2024

These dates are subject to change.
Registered families will receive details of each as they come up.
This page will be updated as new events are planned.

January 13th: DJ Peters Clinic 9am-1pm

January 16th: Manager Interviews

January 20/27/28: Evaluation Days

Week of January 29th: pre-draft meetings and draft (managers will be notified)

February 3rd: Meet your Manager(schedule will be emailed out)

Week of February 5th: Practices Start

February 10th: PFA Pitching Clinic(registration info was emailed)

February 15th: Team Parent Meeting-Round Table 7pm

February 17th: Field Maintenance Day 8am-1:30pm 

March 9th: Opening Day Ceremonies 8am (arrive 7:30am)

March 9th: Blaze Pizza Fundraiser 5pm-8pm at 1331 S. Lone Hill

March 12th: Single A Clinic at APU(families were emailed 2/19)

March 23rd and 30th: Picture Day (email sent to team parents 3/6)

March 30th: Easter Egg Hunt for T-Ball and Single A (email sent to parents 3/15)

April 1-7: Spring Break (No games)

April 4th: AA clinic at APU

April 20th: T-Ball Day

April 28th: GNLL Quakes Game (email sent 2/20 to purchase tickets)

May 2nd: AAA/Majors clinic APU

June 1st: Closing Ceremonies

June-July: GNLL will host the 11U District 20 Tournament

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